One Man One Wife is Leading Cause of Prostate Cancer amongst Black Men..Reno

The Prostrate Cancer ‘Epidemic’ In The Black Race Black men have the highest incidence of prostate cancer on Earth, bar none.

While Arab men have the lowest incidence of prostate cancer in the world.

The risk of developing prostate cancer is 27% for Black males, 12% for White males, and 7% for Asian males in the MENA Region.

While one out of every eight White males on Earth will have protester cancer, which is the leading form of cancer in men, one out of four Black men will develop prostate cancer.

The rate in men of African origin is double that of White men. Asians are the least likely to develop prostate cancer, with a probability of one in thirteen.

What is behind this troubling statistic? If men and women are to be honest, they will accept that there are very few men able to be sexually faithful to only one woman. And why? It is not because men are dogs or men are scum.

The truth is that men are naturally polygamous and forcing men into monogamy will always lead to crises in society.

Man is a mammal, How many mammals are monogamous? Please fact-check me: The best and most natural way to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in many is to have sexual intercourse at least twenty times a month.

If you do, you reduce your likelihood of developing prostate cancer by 20%. Now, let me ask you an honest question.

How many women can withstand that in a month? The logic, backed up by scientific data from Harvard Medical School, is just common sense. If you leave fuel/gasoline/petrol in cars for three months without driving them, they will start to degrade and damage the car.

For health and safety, if you have fuel in your car, you are advised to drive it regularly.

Our Creator did not design the prostrate to store the male reproductive fluid for long periods. It was styled to release it at regular intervals. And my Christian readers will say Christianity forbids polygamy. Not true. European Christendom forbids it. But there is no biblical prohibition against polygamy except you are a bishop, deacon or elder (another name for deacon): “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife”-1 Timothy 3:2. “A deacon must be the husband of but one wife”-1 Timothy 3:12. “An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife.”-Titus 1:6. If polygamy was not a standard and sinless practice, why would Paul be specific about monogamy for Bishops or deacons? There would be no need for specificity if everyone practised monogamy.

If you look at the prophets of the Jewish Scriptures, many of them were polygamists, including Jacob, also known as Israel, for whom the nation of Israel is named, David, Solomon, Gideon, etc. Could it be that Black men are more prone to prostate cancer than others because we are the most likely to stray from our traditional ways of life in place of a Western way of life? Think about that. But now, let us talk about solutions.

Even if you do not believe in polygamy, there are other ways you can reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

The number one expert on lifespan demographics on Earth is the German Sven Drefahl. After studying two million people, he established that a man can increase his lifespan by 4% simply by marrying a woman sixteen years younger than him.

Please fact-check me.

That statistic is spectacularly coincidental when taken with the data from Harvard, which shows that having intercourse at least twenty times a month reduces your risk of prostate cancer by 20%.

A woman your age is unlikely to withstand intercourse twenty or more times a month. But a young Lolita… Well, I leave that to your imagination.

By Admin